Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I absolutely love it when it rains. My favorite times are when I can hear the thunder in the distance, or an afternoon rain storm, or during the night. I don't know why I have such a fondness for rain. Maybe it began in Alaska during the summer when we would get the rain that would only last for a short time and then the sun would break through the clouds and everything was washed clean and bright. Or maybe it was the times I would curl up with Wuthering Heights or Jane Eyre or some other book and live in another time and place. Or maybe it is the soothing sounds of water that quenches my thirst or the knowledge that it is rain that causes things to grow and flourish.
The rain makes me want to dance and sing and Praise the Lord for it. The rain quiets my soul. 


  1. You really need to move to Wa state IF you really like rain. It's raining now - but forget about the sun peeking thru - that doesn't happen very often here - there's just days and days of the stuff - we call it liquid sunshine here. ;)

    I'm glad you enjoy the rain there though. :)
    God bless!

  2. I gave you the Honest Scrap award. :)
